Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer Changes

I've always been one to compare one year to the next.  "Well, last year we did it this way."  "Remember last year when we did this?"  I look back at old pictures and sometimes ache for the memories, wishing I could relive certain moments over and over.

My comparison between this year's 4th of July with last year's: lots of changes.  You can read all about last year HERE but the gist is that we were at Kelli and Gemi's surrounded by lots of friends and little ones, there were tables upon tables of yummy food, Ava donned a red, white and blue swimsuit that showed off her chubby 1-year-old legs, and we ended the night watching a professional fireworks show.

This year we headed down to our neighbor's house.  Kelly and Drew's kids go to daycare with Ava and we've gotten to know them fairly well due to the fact that Ava always wants to walk down to their house to see if they're out in the backyard, thus guaranteeing us an invitation to hang out while the kids play.  Lots of other neighbors we didn't know were there as well, so it was nice to meet some new people the same time, we really didn't know anyone.  Despite the large amount of people, there was not a lot of food to choose from, Ava didn't have a patriotic swimsuit or chubby 1-year-old legs...and we ended the night watching fireworks from our own backyard.

Although this year was different, it wasn't bad.  Ava had a great time swimming and playing with her friend Aiden.

And even though the fireworks were not professional...we agreed that watching them from the comfort of our own backyard was worth it.  No crowds, no long car ride back home - and Ava slept through it all!

Besides, the neighbors on all sides of us put on a show that did not disappoint!

There is another change that this summer brings.  Some of you already know about it because of this picture:

Yep, Ava is going to be a big sister! 

I am just 7 weeks along right now, but boy, do I have plenty to say about this second pregnancy so far.  I shall record my thoughts in a list titled, "Top 10 Pregnancy-Related Thoughts at the Moment."

Top 10 Pregnancy-Related Thoughts at the Moment 

1.  Popsicles...yum.  Anything cold, icy and slushy?  I want it.  Does wonders for my nausea.

2.  Speaking of nausea...really?  Started feeling it off and on at only 5 weeks.  Why is it called morning sickness?  That is such a misnomer.  I propose we start calling it, simply, pregnancy sickness.  With Ava I felt nauseous but never threw up - thank God.  I am hoping for the same this time around.  Thankfully I have easy cures.  Besides popsicles, my doctor suggested Dramamine.  Sometimes it cuts out the nausea completely; sometimes it just takes the edge off.  Either way works for me, so long as my head is not stuck in a toilet!

3.  Hello, mood swings!  I think Jeremy should just steer clear of me until my hormones level out during the second trimester.  Whew.

4.  Hello, fatigue!  It's okay to sleep 10 hours at night and then take a nap during the day, right? 

5.  Bloat city.  Are you kidding me?  By the end of the day, I look about 13 weeks pregnant.  Thank goodness that first thing in the morning, I can still suck in enough to not look pregnant at all.

6.  My first appointment is on Monday.  I am asking for an ultrasound if it's not standard protocol.  I want to see a heartbeat and know that there is, in fact, just one baby in there.

7.  Lazy, much?  Between the fatigue, mood swings and nausea, I don't want to do anything.  Hence why the house is a complete disaster area. 

8.  I am wearing maternity clothes already.  Say WHAAAAT?!!  Yep.  Nothing beats stretchy, elastic waistbands! 

9.  Like any woman who has had a miscarriage, I worry.  I feel that overall, I am more relaxed now than I was when I was pregnant with Ava - probably because at that time, the miscarriage was still so fresh in my mind.  But the worry never goes away after going through something like that.  I hate these first trimester symptoms, but I also embrace them because they reassure me that there's still a little bean growing inside me. 

10.  Ava's going to be a big sister!  She doesn't really get it.  When asked if she wants a brother or sister, she always says, "Sisser."  I am thinking about not finding out the sex this time though.  I want to experience the excitement on delivery day, when the doctor loudly proclaims, "It's a....!!" 

So there you have it.  Changes and thoughts.  Other than that, we are just trying to enjoy our summer!


  1. Very nice post! If you don't want to know the sex, can we? haha Ava is going to love having a baby around and having someone to play with!!

  2. Congratulations to you and Jeremy!!!

  3. Hey girlie!! It is hilarious reading your top 10 prego thoughts. I think I had them ALL!! :) After talking with a few friends, we decided we wouldn't find out this time around (we did with sophia) and it hasn't been hard at all. Probably b/c we have Sophia to entertain! I am looking forward to the doctor's announcement in the delivery room as well! And Sophia ALWAYS says baby sister ... I ask her boy names and she tells me "mama, no boy name, its a girl!" haha!! wonder if she is right ... nate claims she is!!

  4. Congratulations Alicia! I hope the first trimester symptoms ease up for you. :)
