Monday, July 18, 2011

Rescue Pack

Ava is really into Dora and Diego right now.  Every single day she asks to watch "Gor" and "Aygo." 

After viewing the same episodes multiple times, I have come to many conclusions, such as: These characters sure do put a lot of emphasis on every single word they say and Dora's outfit is three colors that don't go together...why? and Diego is going to make kids think it's okay to go up to a wild animal and talk to it.  I have learned that I prefer Diego over Dora though, and I especially love this little theme song that comes on when Diego needs help from his rescue pack. 

What if we had rescue packs in real life?  In a way, we do.  Our packs may not be as cool as Diego's: they probably aren't a tangible, orange backpack, and they definitely aren't accompanied by a theme song...but we all have our own rescue remedies when we need help or an escape.  And after two full weeks of having Ava at home the entire day - due to the fact that her daycare provider took a two week vacation - I was in desperate need of a rescue pack.  I've said it before and I'll say it again: I am not cut out to be a stay at home mom.  Some women do it beautifully, weaving the day together with fun activities, healthy meals and snacks, a stable routine and lots of patience.  I, on the other hand, tend to make hot dog and mac 'n cheese lunches, vary Ava's nap time depending on her mood or our activity for the day, and my patience is worn thin by 10am.  Of course, being pregnant and having raging hormones coursing through my body certainly doesn't help right now.  But today, it was time to take Ava back to daycare and I pulled out my rescue pack.

I savored my Starbucks, ate breakfast in front of the TV, wasted a bunch of time on the computer, curled up in bed with a book, took a nap and enjoyed the peace and quiet. 

By the time I picked Ava up and brought her home, I was well-rested and my patience level was sky high; therefore, the evening was the most enjoyable one I've had in two weeks.  We made tacos for dinner, played outside, and best of all, the bedtime routine wasn't a knock-down-drag-out-fight and didn't end with me wanting to either bang my head against the wall or cry. 

I love my daughter dearly, but I just don't have the desire to stay at home with her.  I used to think I would like it, and I did for the first six months of her life before I had to go back to work.  But as I've grown older and wiser (ha!) and she has grown into a toddler, I know it's a better situation for both of us if she's at Tammy's - where the routine is consistent and she gets to play with  her friends all day, and I'm working or getting things done by myself at home.  Thankfully, I have friends who feel the same way, so I know I'm not alone in these feelings!

I know what I would want in my rescue pack, but what about Ava?  What would she include?  Besides watching her favorite TV shows, she would definitely put being outside at the top.

And despite the fact that the mess of her playroom doesn't seem to bother her, she does like a little organization here and there.

Other go-to items would be her sippy cup of milk, her babies, play dates with friends and running around naked after her bath. 

What about you?  If you literally could put together a rescue pack, what would you include? 

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting idea! I think my Rescue Pack would probably include a caffeinated beverage, a good book and some mindless entertainment of the tv variety. Throw in some good chocolate and a chance to talk to my husband uninterrupted by wee little ones, and I'm a sane happy momma again!

    Your thoughts on staying home are interesting. I have chosen to from a mostly economical standpoint, but you are right, it's not easy! Sometimes I'd like to just send them off to day care and sometimes I think they'd like it, too! I've never been High Energy Mom.

    But at the end of the day, we do what works for the reasons they need to work and we do the best we can with that! For me, that means continuing to stay at home and trying to do well by the kiddos even when I want to do nothing at all!
