Monday, March 12, 2012


Of course this post is overdue.  What can you expect from a new mom of two?  I had forgotten what a time-suck newborns are...feed me, hold me, change my diaper, wipe my spit-up.  Geez!

Just kidding.  :)

We celebrated Ava's birthday with friends and family a little over a week ago.  The purple party was a success and totally reaffirmed my thoughts that less is more when it comes to kids' parties.  All those decorations and balloons and fancy cakes are for the parents because the kids don't even notice!  (Never mind the fact that if I'd had the time, Ava's party would have included all of that...)

I did make cupcakes, we had grape Kool-Aid, which I promptly named Purple Drank (anyone get that?  anyone?!), purple plates and cups and napkins and a tablecloth, one game, prizes, presents, bounce house, DONE.  Ava enjoyed herself and I think the other girls did too.

"Prize" walk game...everyone wins!  (Hi, Claire)

I was actually able to enjoy myself at the party because there were plenty of family members to take care of Drew.  I'm not sure what I was worried about in the first place about Ava not getting enough attention and everyone acting like sharks around Drew.  It wasn't like that at all.  Maybe those thoughts and emotions were fueled by pregnancy hormones...

Uncle Matt!

This past weekend was much more low-key, filled with lots of playing dress up...

She also watched me put on my make-up and of course wanted some for herself.  After each application, she would ask, "You have sumpin' else for me?"

And finally, we ended the weekend with a visit to my mamaw, Ava and Drew's "big mamaw."  She was absolutely thrilled to meet Drew.  It was awesome!

Now I'm all caught up!  ...until the next round of pictures sit in my camera for a week or more. 

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