After putting the groceries away at home, I started a roast in the crockpot, cleaned up the kitchen, got on the computer, checked my email about five times within a fifteen minute time period, and finally decided I couldn't put it off any was time to go to school and start getting my classroom ready.
Of course it was one of those situations where it's really not so bad once you get into it. I unpacked boxes of new workbooks and stacked them on the shelf, opened fresh packs of crayons and markers, organized my desks, dusted every last surface, and hung up a poster that had fallen down over the summer. I love the way everything is so fresh and shiny at the beginning of the school year.
This is the cleanest my desk will be all year!
It was a welcome site to enter my classroom and feast my eyes upon the bulletin board I started during my first year of teaching. It is filled with cards from parents and students, drawings and letters, pictures of former 8th graders and other random memorabilia. The board has gotten full, but how could I ever take anything down? It's a daily reminder that there are many bright sides to teaching.
And in the meantime, in this last week before I become a full-time working mommy again, I am soaking up every last bit of summer: eating huge bowls of freshly cut fruit, making lunch dates and pool dates and appointments for mani/pedis, sipping glasses of wine out on the deck in the evening, and staying up later than I should to watch trashy reality TV and read Us Weekly in a tub full of bubbles.
But most of all, I'm enjoying Ava just a little bit more this week. Her giggles and silly moods. Her constant chatter as she runs all over the house, darting from one toy to the next. The way she waves bye-bye, gives kisses and hugs, and says her daddy's name over and over: "Dada, Dada, Dada, Dada..." How she wants to eat Cheerios ALL.THE.TIME and knows what shelf they are on in the pantry. Her love of books and being outside no matter how hot it is. Oh, how I love this little girl!
Hey, where's the picture of Ava sitting on my lap?! :)
ReplyDeleteI love reading your posts! :)
ReplyDeleteAwe... makes me realize that in 12 days I will be interning and I still haven't come to terms that Logan will be in daycare :( thankfully, my mom is working with me some, but he will still be in a different place with different people. I hate it. Good luck dear and enjoy your last few days.
ReplyDeleteThis post made me a little sad. :( I like your bulletin board!!