Here are some cheerful, happy, fun, "bright side" worthy things in my life right now.
First and foremost, it's summer break. That means no teaching, no stumbling out of bed at 5:30am, no lesson plans to make or papers to grade, no sassy 8th grade attitudes to put up with. Right now life is all about:
Leisurely dinner dates with Jeremy...getting a babysitter and escaping just the two of us to nice restaurants for glasses of wine and beer, filet mignon and adult conversation. Or at least, this is how we celebrated our 5-year wedding anniversary!
Introducing Ava to her first piece of watermelon: the cold, crisp juiciness dribbling down her chin and onto her shirt, the way she tries to eat the rind, and how much she prefers a big piece she can sink her teeth into instead of little chunks in a bowl.
Afternoon boat trips with good friends, where we suit up, slather on sunscreen, squeeze the kids into tight life-jackets and set out on the cool waters of Geist Reservoir. This was Ava's first time in a swimsuit, first time in a boat, and first time in a lake - lots of firsts! Despite her need to cling to a sippy cup the entire time, she thoroughly enjoyed swimming in the lake with her daddy!
And once we got back from boating and swimming, Ava and her little friend Ella had a blast catching up on the latest gossip and squealing at the top of their lungs as their little feet pitter-pattered all over the house.
Watching thunderstorms roll in from our deck...this new house provides us with a lot of sky too look at since there are no houses behind ours, just fields, and it's simply amazing. I LOVE watching the thick, dark clouds slowly loom closer and closer as the wind picks up and the air cools. As soon as fat raindrops begin to fall, we scurry inside and watch as little by little, those raindrops turn into a torrential downpour. And, if we're lucky enough, the storm passes quickly and the sky produces a FULL rainbow right in our backyard.
And finally, my new-found favorite thing to do each morning. I have always loved Starbuck's mochas, but let's face it - you will break the bank if you purchase one every day. (nevermind my sometimes 3-a-week habit during the school year...) I have finally figured out how to make a comparable one at home without the benefit of any impressive coffee-making gadgets. I simply boil 6 oz of water in the microwave and then pour it over 1 tsp of instant coffee mixed with 1/2 to 1 tsp of unsweetened cocoa. Add in some warm milk and a dash of Splenda, and you've got yourself something that tastes fairly similar to a mocha. Success! And my favorite way to drink it? Outside on the deck in the morning sun.
There are many, many more "bright sides" to my summer so far and I cannot wait to share them! Coming up this weekend is the annual 4th of July party at the Ozdemir's house...the same friends who allowed Ava her first boat ride and swim in the lake. The party at their house promises grilled goodness, cold beers, kids running around playing and screeching, and later in the night, bright fireworks that light up the night over the lake. Yep, it's definitely going to be a "bright side" 4th of July!
Great idea with the coffee!!! Love your outlook :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a cool blog - I enjoyed reading it! Greg & I have recently been talking about how much we love to go boating and how we miss it! ~ Becky